This is Room To Fail, a newsletter about learning how to become a strategist right beside me, a junior-strat that is constantly (and fearfully) looking for things to do wrong & fail at, just to only get them right the next time. Or the next.
I’m Irina. Welcome and buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Hopefully.
Today’s read takes 7 minutes.
This was a week of things that clicked inside my brain. After long periods of learning, reading, listening and watching, travelling and taking time completely off, suffering and asking for help, I sometimes get a moment of clarity when things settle. All of the above happened in the last months and just carved their way into who I am. Like some life conclusions I’ve been waiting for, and now a new learning stage can begin. It feels like a state of calm and answers. It sounds like complete silence. The opposite of (also beautiful) chaos and mess of everyday life.
So, this week, a list with 3 brain clicks.
I finished reading Factfulness by Hans, Ola and Anna Rosling and this is my big gulp of global optimism in this time of uncertainty and open wounds. This book taught me that everything can be bad and better at the same time. A conceptual balance I’ve been searching for a long time.
I disconnected from the online world completely for two days and let some things get into place. Even the idea that disconnection is necessary for being better at a job and at life. Finally I understood how this should feel like and how to transition from one state to another.
I received help with gratitude and openness. This time it finally broke my “you can do it by yourself and don’t need anyone’s help” circle of misery. I found it hard to feel like an independent woman and accept help - and not feel powerless or weak afterwards. I now realised there’s more power in asking and receiving that help gratefully.
Maybe these are obvious ideas. Maybe my brain clicks are slow and late. But no matter when and how they happen, they feel like true growth, a huge leap forward.
Do you experience this state of “conclusions” from time to time? How does it feel for you?
In week 6 of Room To Fail, this section should be called “Let’s think about that!”.
I have some links to share about racism and our failure, as a society, to undo it, to learn from our mistakes and work for an inclusive and fair world for all.
First, one interview with Ibram X. Kendi about being anti-racist because “The only way to undo racism is to consistently identify and describe it—and then dismantle it”.
Then, documentary “13th” by Ava DuVernay, about what happened in America along the history and what caused and is causing present protests.
And Ioanida Costache’s speech about racism against Roma people, here in Romania, and how listening and speaking about it could be so healing.
There is a ton of information online about this subject and I think educating ourselves and others, just as we do here about strategy, is the first step toward being better & failing less and less at this.
Back to strategy. And GIFs.

What are you researching these days?
Are you done with that competitive review?
Then, you should have a good idea of how the market looks like: what are the main criteria of product selection, who are the main competitors, which kind of people are they communicating with.
So let’s talk about audience segmentation. That’s groups of people that have some things in common - traits that are connected or relevant to your product (or service) in one way or another. Each market has its own specific segments by which it defines types of audiences - and that’s a thing you can (also instinctively) find out by researching the market.
Here you can find types of segmentation and how they translate to marketing strategy for a brand. Next time will talk about defining our target audiences with all of these.
(Under Think it, Adam Pierno - COMPLETED: Y/N, end)
“You’ve done all the foundational work. You’ve written a killer brief. You’ve inspired your team to create an amazing campaign. Insights abound. The media mix is spot on. Now for the big question. Did it work?”
This is how Phase III: Post Campaign starts. To me it sounds like someone listed my career goals, then reminded me I forgot the one that can make all the other invisible in a snap.

But Adam Pierno actually talks about ways to measure your campaign success or how to design your own, choose the right metrics, compare them to the KPI’s, how some are good and some are not. Simply put, measuring is your true feedback: here’s how you succeeded and how you failed so you can do it better next time.
Aaand that’s a wrap for Under Think It. This turned out to be the little manual that was promised and a cool set of tools for planners and strategists. I will certainly get back to it.
What’s next? Well, I’m excited to start this other one I keep bumping into while reading about strategy: How not to Plan: 66 ways to screw it up by Les Binet and Sarah Carter.
What are you reading these days?
Hit reply. My questions come from a real place and I love hearing from you.
And don’t forget to stay curious and educate yourself.
Even though we’ll keep failing - it’s important that we try to become better,